
BBA in Operations Management

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BBA in Operations Management

The curriculum consists of:

  • University Common Core;
  • Business Core Courses;
  • Required BBA-OM Courses;
  • Additional Required Courses for Business Analytics Option (intake from 2014);
  • Additional Required Courses for Supply Chain Management Option (intake from 2017);
  • Elective Courses - Operation Management;
  • Elective Courses - Statistics

University Common Core

The following courses are University Common Core Courses offered by BBA-OM Program. Students are required to study the corresponding credits in each of the specified areas as appropriate. Details please refer to here.

ISOM 1500 Insightful Decisions 3 The course helps students develop better analytical and decision-making skills in approaching practical and important social and business issues. Students will derive solutions or conclusions that require critical thinking, creativity, quantitative analysis, and common sense. Cover topics in decision traps, quantitative decision models, statistical reasoning, computer tools, data-analysis techniques, etc. and, more importantly, how these decision analysis concepts and tools can be applied to a broad set of social and business problems.
ISOM 1700 Critical Issues in Business Operations 3 The course will focus on how business organizations should create and sustain value for different stakeholders in society by designing, optimizing, and improving operations. Successful businesses have demonstrated their sustainable competitiveness by maintaining a balanced view of economic prosperity, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility. This course will also examine how the changing perspectives of stakeholders (like government and consumers) affect business decisions and operations.


Business Core Courses
ISOM 2500 Business Statistics 3 Collection, tabulation and presentation of numerical data; concepts of probability and probability distributions; sampling; statistical estimation and hypothesis testing; correlation and regression analysis. Exclusion(s): CIVL 2160, IEDA 2520, IEDA 2540, LIFS 3150, MATH 2411, MATH 3423.
ISOM 2600 Introduction to Business Analytics 1 This course introduces students with the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges they will confront in their future career. It covers statistical tools in descriptive analytics and predictive analytics, including multiple linear regression, logistic regression and clustering. Emphasis is placed on applications, concepts and interpretation of results, rather than theory and calculations. Students use a computer software for data analysis. For SBM students only. Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2500, Corequisite(s): ISOM 2020
ISOM 2700 Operations Management 3 For SB&M students, and programs that designate the course as a required/recommended elective course. Production and service operations viewed from the strategic, tactical and operational levels; capacity planning, process selection, impact of technology location and layout, material and resource requirements, scheduling and quality control. Exclusion(s): IEDA 4100.
Required BBA-OM Courses (8 credits)
ISOM 3710

Business Modeling and Optimization

(Previous Title: Management Science)

4 The science and technology of informed decision making with focus on optimizing business processes. Spreadsheet decision modeling in Excel will be used throughout. Emphasis on problem formulation, spreadsheet-based solution methods, and managerial insights. Applications to managerial decision problems in diverse industries and functional areas including finance and accounting, human resource, marketing, and operations. Exclusion(s): CIVL 2170, IEDA 3010, PHYS 4059.

ISOM 3770

(Required course for 2018/19 intake and after)

Global Supply Chain Management

(Previous Title: Supply Chain Management)

4 [Previous Course Code(s): ISOM 4770] Single node inventory control, supply chain network, demand management, manufacturing and replenishment in supply chains, information and coordination in supply chains, product variety management. Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2700, ISOM 3710, Exclusion(s): IEDA 4410
  Subtotal credits 8  
Additional Required Courses for Business Analytics Option (for intake from 2014-15)
ISOM 3360 - Data Mining for Business Analytics* 3 credits
ISOM 3900 - Decision Analytics 3 credits
Extra required courses/credits for BA Option 2 courses (6 credits)

ISOM3360 is an IS course which cannot be used to fulfil the BBA-OM major requirements except as a required course for this BA Option.

Besides the Option Required Courses as listed above, students should take 4 elective courses (selected from a restricted list of OM and statistics courses):

- ISOM 3530      Business Data Analytics
- ISOM 3540      Introduction to Probability Models
- ISOM 4520      Statistics for Financial Risk Management
- ISOM 4530      Statistical Analysis of Financial Data in R/S-plus
- ISOM 4540      Time Series Analysis and Forecasting
- ISOM 4720      Simulation in Business and Management
- ISOM 4740      Enterprise Resource Management
- ISOM 4780      Integrated Planning and Execution
- ISOM 4810      OM Best Practices
- ISOM 4820      Revenue Management
- ISOM 4830      Analytics for Service Operations
- ISOM 4840      Financial Service Operations Management
- ISOM 4880      Operations Management Project


Additional Required Courses for Supply Chain Management Option (for intake from 2017-18) 
ISOM 3760 - Logistics Management 3 credits

Choose ONE course from the list:

*ISOM 3730 Quality and Process Management (2018-19 intake and after)/
ISOM 4740 Enterprise Resource Management/
ISOM 4750 Business Project Management /
ISOM 4780 Integrated Planning and Execution

3 credits
Extra required courses/credits for SCM Option 2 courses (6 credits)

Students admitted in the 2017-18 intake should take ISOM 3770/ISOM 4740/ISOM 4750/ISOM 4780 in addition to ISOM 3760

Besides the Option Required Courses listed above, students should complete the BBA-OM major requirements as specified in the BBA-OM "Program Curriculum" section.  For the Elective(s), students may take any 4 ISOM courses coded between 3500 and 3999; 4500 and 4999  with a minimum of 12 credits.  Courses taken as Option Required Courses under BBA-OM CAN NOT be reused to count towards the OM major program requirements (neither OM required course nor OM elective course) at the same time.


Elective Courses - Operations Management (37-41 credits)
ISOM 3730 Quality and Process Management 3 Concepts and strategic importance of quality, organizational aspects, total quality control, quality and productivity improvement programs, quality costs and economics. Applications in industrial and service sectors. Second or third year standing preferred. Exclusion(s): IEDA 3270.
ISOM 3760 Logistics Management 3 Management of purchasing and distribution of goods and services; supply management; material handling; pricing; transportation and warehousing; customer service standards. Second or third year standing preferred. Exclusion(s): IEDA 3450 Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2700.
ISOM 3900 Decision Analytics  3 This course helps the students develop better analytical skills in approaching strategic and tactical business decisions. Students will learn to derive solutions or conclusions that require critical thinking, quantitative analysis, and statistical reasoning skills. These skills are essential and indispensable for major business decisions. Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2500 and ISOM 2700.
ISOM 4720 Simulation in Business and Management 3 Introduction to probabilistic models of operations management; generating random numbers; simulating random variables and discrete event systems; variance reduction techniques; application to risk management, option pricing and other financial problems; application to inventory, queuing, and manufacturing systems. Exclusion(s): IEDA 4130 Prerequisite(s): One of ISOM 2500, MATH 2411, MATH 2421 or MATH 2431.
ISOM 4740 Enterprise Resource Management 3 Basic concepts and practices of enterprise resource management; popular enterprise resource planning software packages, such as SAP R/3 for discussing and building integrated business solutions. Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2700.
ISOM 4750 Business Project Management 3 This course covers basic principles and practices of business project management. Special emphases are on project planning, scheduling, and control while addressing both the technical and the social aspects of managing business projects. Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2700.
ISOM 4780 Integrated Planning and Execution (Previous title: Operations Strategy) 3 [Previous Course Code(s): ISOM 4850] This course will use an integrated simulation game as a major learning tool to illustrate how strategic and operational decisions should be made in a competitive business environment. Students will learn to integrate and align key decisions in different business functions to simultaneously achieve a set of defined performance objectives of a company by evaluating decision alternatives and tradeoffs as well as optimizing the resource utilization. Exclusion(s): ISOM 3100 Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2700
ISOM 4790 Special Topics in Operations Management 0-4 Current developments in the field of production and operations management.
ISOM 4810 OM Best Practices 3 In this course, students shall study 12 applications in OM that have been judged by peers as being amongst the best in recent years. Students shall try to understand what the problem was, how it was addressed, how it worked out and attempt to learn what marked it as a success and how portable the practice can be. The principle purpose is to expose students to a wide range of good case histories in order to enhance their repertoire and experience in OM. Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2700.
ISOM 4820 Revenue Management 3 This course focuses on how a firm should set and update pricing and product availability decisions across its various selling channels in order to maximize its profitability. Through a combination of case studies, lectures and class activities, the course will review the main methodologies and different pricing strategies used in different industries. The goal is for students to learn to identify and exploit opportunities for revenue optimization in different business contexts. Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2700 and ISOM3710.
ISOM 4830 Analytics for Service Operations 3 This course focuses on concepts and tools that can generate operational excellence for the production and delivery of services across various industries including healthcare, ride-hailing, advertising, and various types of financial services. Unlike traditional product markets, a salient feature of these industries is that services are often intangible and not storable, and often high variable, which raises significant challenges in decision making. The goal of this course is to improve the understanding of these challenges and to learn how to overcome the obstacles with data-driven quantitative models. This course will introduce simple predictive and prescriptive methods that are useful in service operations. Students will also have the opportunity to apply these concepts in various service industries by conducting a group project. Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2700 and ISOM3710.
ISOM 4840 Financial Service Operations Management 3 [Alternate code(s) RMBI 4110] This course focuses on the products, processes and delivery channels in the financial industries. It analyzes and evaluates the designs and performances of the internal operations and the different distribution channels of the financial institutions, and identifies opportunities for continuous improvement in productivity, efficiency and service quality. Issues like operational risk management, application of IT, automation, outsourcing and new trends in the financial service operations for both financial institutions and non-financial institutions will be explored. Prerequisite(s):(ISOM 2500 OR MATH 2411) and ISOM 2700
ISOM 4880 Operations Management Project 3 This course is offered to those students who are interested in applying what they have learned in other OM courses to solve real business problems for a sponsoring corporation. Recommendation and/or implementation of solutions will be made through the use of operations management concepts, techniques, and tools. Students will work as a group and be supervised by faculty members. Enrollment in this course requires the approval of the course instructor.
ISOM 4890 Independent Study in Operations Management 1-4 Faculty directed independent study on selected topics in operations management.
  Subtotal credits 37-41  


Elective Courses - Statistics (26-34 credits)
ISOM 3530

Business Data Analytics

(Previous title: The Second Course in Business Statistics)

4 Practical application of statistics with emphasis on regression. Analysis of business data using a statistical package. Topics include simple and multiple regression, residual diagnostics and model selection, experimental design and the analysis of variance. Exclusion(s): MATH 3424 Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2500 or MATH 2411.
ISOM 3540 Introduction to Probability Models 3 Probabilities, random variables, distribution functions, densities, expected values, conditional distributions and densities, conditional expectations, moment generating functions, Chebyshev's inequality, central limit theorem, and Poisson processes. Exclusion(s): MATH 2421, MATH 3425 Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2500 or MATH 2411.
ISOM 4520 Statistics for Financial Risk Management 4 This course provides an introduction to financial risk management. Topics include how to measure market risks, statistical properties of returns and volatility, volatility modelling, Value at Risk (VaR), Risk Metrics, historical simulation, assessing VaR methods and stress testing. Theories will be illustrated by practical examples in financial markets. Prerequisite(s): ISOM 3540 (Note: Students who have sufficient background in probability but without pre-requisite may enrol in the course upon approval by the instructor)
ISOM 4530 Statistical Analysis of Financial Data in R/S-plus 4 Code(s): ISOM 4590A] This course intends to introduce the students to modern data analysis with an emphasis on financial applications. In this course, students will study the data exploration methods, and applications of regression and time series, gain experience in analyzing financial data; and become proficient in using statistical software (R or S-Plus) to do estimation, modelling, and forecasting. Prerequisite(s): IEDA 2510 OR ISOM 2500 OR MATH 2411
ISOM 4540 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting 4 Review of regression and its application to forecasting problems; moving averages, exponential smoothing, Box-Jenkins, ARIMA models and transfer function models; forecasts of economic, financial and business time series. Exclusion(s): ECON 4304, MATH 4425 Prerequisite(s): ISOM 2500 or MATH 2411.
ISOM 4590 Special Topics in Statistics 0-4 Current topics in statistics.
ISOM 4690 Independent Study in Business Statistics 1-4 Faculty directed independent study on selected topics in Business Statistics.
  Subtotal credits 26-34