

Our Faculty members are frequent contributors to world-renowned journals and serve on editorial boards of top IS, OM and Statistics academic journals.

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Operations Management
Federgruen, Awi; Liu, Zhe; Lu, Lijian
Production and Operations Management, 2022, p. 1-17
Operations Management
Wang, Yunjie; Ha, Albert Yiu Cheung; Tong, Shilu
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, v. 24, (3), 2022, article number 42, p. 1698-1713
Operations Management

Product Ranking in the Presence of Social Learning

Shin, Dongwook; Costis Maglaras; Marco Scarsini; Stefano Vacarri
Operations Research, Forthcoming
Operations Management
Yi, Zelong; Yu, Man; Cheung, Ki Ling
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, v. 24, (1), 2022, p. 159-178
Operations Management
Li, Xi; Li, Yanzhi; Chen, Ying Ju
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, v. 24, (1), 2022, p. 77-90
Operations Management
Shin, Dongwook; Vaccari, Stefano; Zeevi, Assaf
Management Science, 2022, p. 233-259
Operations Management
Shin, Dongwook Broadie, Mark; Zeevi, Assaf
INFORMS Journal on Computing, v. 34, (2), 2022, p. 752-768
Operations Management
Yi, Zelong; Cao, Zike; Cheung, Ki Ling
Information and Management, v. 59, (2), 2022, article number 103601
Operations Management
Ha, Albert Yiu Cheung; Luo, Huajiang; Shang, Weixin
Production and Operations Management, v. 31, (3), 2022, p. 1235-1251
Operations Management

Supplier Audit Information Sharing and Responsible Sourcing

Ha, Albert Yiu Cheung; Tong, Shilu; Wang, Yunjie
Management Science, Forthcoming