Research Interests
- Pricing and revenue management
- OM/marketing interface
- Operations analytics
Academic Qualification
- PhD 2010 University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, Operations Management and Science
- M.Sc 2003 Tsinghua University, School of Economics and Management, Management Science and Engineering
- B.Sc. 2001 Tsinghua University, School of Economics and Management, Management Science and Engineering
Academic And Professional Experience
- Professor of ISOM, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2022 - present
- Associate Professor of ISOM, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2016 - 2022
- Assistant Professor of ISOM, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2010 - 2016
Selected Publications
- Yu, M., Ahn, H-S and Kapuscinski, R., 2015, "Ration Capacity in Advance Selling to Signal Product Quality", Management Science, 61(3), 560-577 [Download E-Companion]
- Yu, M., Kapuscinski, R., and Ahn, H-S, 2015, "Advance Selling: Effects of Interdependent Consumer Valuations and Seller’s Capacity", Management Science, 61(9), 2100-2117.
- Yu, M., Debo, L., and Kapuscinski, R., 2015, "Strategic Waiting for Consumer-Generated Quality Information: Dynamic Pricing of New Experience Goods", Management Science, 62(2), 410-435.
- Hu, P., and Shum, S., and Yu, M., 2015, “Joint Inventory and Markdown Management for Perishable Goods with Strategic Consumer Behavior", Operations Research, 64(1), 118-134.
- Demirel, S., Kapuscinski, R., and Yu, M., 2018, "Strategic Behavior of Suppliers in the Face of Production Disruptions", Management Science, 64(2), 533-551. Featured Article.
- 2020 MSOM iFORM SIG Best Paper Award (Finalist)
- Yi, Z., Yu, M., and Cheung, K. L., (Equal Contribution), 2022, “Impacts of Counterfeiting on a Global Supply Chain", Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 24(1), 159 – 178.
- Zhang, C., Yu, M., and Chen, J., 2022, “Signaling Quality with Return Insurance: Theory and Empirical Evidence”, Management Science, 68(8), 5847–5867.
- Yang, L., Yu, M., 2025, "Too Good To Go: Combating Food Waste with Surprise Clearance", Management Science, Forthcoming.
- Award of ``Best Problem-Driven Analytical Research Paper’’ at Decision Sciences Conference 2024
- Yu, M., Zheng, S., Chen, J., 2025, "Joint Order Fulfillment and Inventory Management in Assemble-to-Order Generalized W Systems", Operations Research, Forthcoming
Service Activities Within College And Profession
- Senior Editor, Production and Operations Management (2022-present)
- Associate Editor, Decision Sciences (2020 - present)
- PhD Coordinator in Operations Management (2015 - present)
- Reviewer for Management Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, among others.
Professional Association Memberships
- Institute of Operations Research and the Management Sciences
- INFORMS Manufacturing and Service Operations Society
Funded Projects
- Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) 2020, The Natural Science Foundation of China
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, Jan 2021-Dec 2022 (PI)
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, Jan 2019-Dec 2021 (PI)
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, Jan 2015-Dec 2017 (PI)
- Hong Kong RGC Early Career Scheme, Jan 2013-Dec 2015 (PI)
- Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, Jul 2011-Jun 2013 (PI)
- M&SOM Meritorious Service Award (2020, 2021)
- Finalist for the Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence (2021)
- Excellent Young Scientists Fund (Hong Kong and Macau) 2020, The Natural Science Foundation of China
- Dean's Recognition of Teaching Excellence (2018-2020)
- INFORMS Doctoral Colloquium, 2008
- Neary Scholarship, Ross School of Business (2008)
- Ross Doctoral Research Fellowship, Ross School of Business (2007-2008)
- Gessner Fellowship, Ross School of Business (2006)
- Leabo Memorial Award, Ross School of Business (2005-2006)
- Horace H. Rackham Graduate Fellowship, University of Michigan (2003-2006)