Research Interests
My research focuses on addressing the following three problems via econometrics as well as computational techniques (e.g., machine learning, natural language processing, network analysis) to provide evidence for the design of algorithmic, business, and policy interventions that can be implemented in the business and public sectors.
- What are the risks that emerge when human delegate tasks to or collaborate with algorithm-based machines?
- What are the frictions that constrains the value appropriation from digital platforms and emerging technologies?
- How do intellectual property rights impact the rate and direction of digital innovation?
Academic Qualification
- Ph.D. 2019 Georgia State University (Advisor: Prof. Arun Rai)
- M.S. 2013 Tsinghua University (Advisor: Prof. Sean Xin Xu)
- B.S. 2010 Dalian University of Technology
Academic And Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2019-present
- Editor-in-Chief Assistant, MIS Quarterly, 2016-2020
Selected Publications
- Rai, Arun., Tang, X., Yin, Z., Du, S., “Gaining Customer Loyalty with Tracking Information Quality in B2B Logistics,” Journal of Management Information Systems, Forthcoming.
- Undergraduate level:
- Course: Introduction to Information Systems
- Description: Introduce students to the topics of digital economy, e-commerce, digital platform, and artificial intelligence through the update-to-date cases of digitization in business and public sectors.
- Undergraduate level:
- Master level:
- Course: Python Programming for Business Applications
- Description: Empower students from any background to acquire hands-on Python coding skills and get insights into its practical business applications.
- Master level:
- Doctoral level:
- Course: Empirical Studies on Innovation and Digitization
- Description: Enable students to formulate research problems in digital innovation and tackle them through causal inference toolset.
- Doctoral level:
Dictoral Student Supervision
- Zhenghan Zhang
- Principal advisor
- Affiliation: Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- Stage: Coursework & first-year paper
- Zhenghan Zhang
- Xuewen Han
- Co-advisor with Prof. Sean Xin Xu
- Affiliation: Tsinghua University
- Stage: Dissertation development
- Xuewen Han
Service Activities And Profession
- Member of Information Systems Ph.D. Committee 2021-present
- Journal reviewer for Information and Management, Information Systems Journal, Information Systems Research, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, and MIS Quarterly
- Associate Editor for International Conference on Information Systems, and Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
- Conference reviewer for Americas Conference on Information Systems, International Conference on Information Systems, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
- Member of American Economic Association, Association for Information Systems, and Academy of Management
Funded Grants
- Early Career Scheme Research Grant (Principal Investigator), Hong Kong Research Grants Council, 2021-2023 (~ 700k HKD).
Honors & Awards
- Doctoral Student Service Award, Association for Information Systems, 2018
- Doctoral Consortium, International Conference on Information Systems, 2018
- Outstanding Master Graduate, Tsinghua University, 2013
- Outstanding Master Dissertation, Tsinghua University, 2013
- National Scholarship, Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, 2007, 2008, 2009