Research Interests
- Implementation of knowledge management systems and job outcomes
- Social networks and culture
- IT and healthcare
Academic Qualification
- PhD 2010 University of Arkansas, Information Systems
- M.Sc. 2003 University of Arkansas, Information Systems
Academic And Professional Experience
- Associate Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2016 - present
- Assistant Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2011 - 2016
- Assistant Professor, HEC Montreal, 2010
- Software Developer, JB Hunt Transport Services, Inc., U.S., 2003 - 2005
Selected Publications
- Ng, K.C., Zhang, X., Thong, Y.L., and Tam, K.Y. "Protecting against Threats to Computer Security: An Ambivalence Perspective", Journal of Management Information Systems (38:3), 2021, pp. 732-764
- Venkatesh, V., Sykes, T.A., and Zhang, X., “ICT for development in rural India: A longitudinal study of women’s health outcomes,” MIS Quarterly, 44, 2, 2020, 605-629
- Maruping, L.M., Venkatesh, V., Thong, J.Y.L., and Zhang, X., “A Risk Mitigation Framework for Information Technology Projects: A Cultural Contingency Perspective” Journal of Management Information Systems, 36, 1, 2019, 120-157
- Zhang, X., and Venkatesh, V., “A Nomological Network of Knowledge Management System Use: Antecedents and Consequences,” MIS Quarterly, 41, 4, 2017, 1275-1306
- Zhang, X., “Knowledge Management System Use and Job Performance: A Multi-level Contingency Model,” MIS Quarterly, 41, 3, 2017, 811-840
- Hoehle, H., Zhang, X., and Venkatesh, V., “An Espoused Cultural Perspective to Understand Continued Intention to Use Mobile Applications: A Four-country Study of Mobile Social Media Application Usability,” European Journal of Information Systems, 24, 3, 2015, 337-359.
- Zhang, X., and Venkatesh, V., “Explaining Employee Job Performance: Role of Online and Offline Workplace Communication Networks,” MIS Quarterly, 37, 3, 2013, 695-722
- Venkatesh, V., Zhang, X., and Sykes, T.A., “Doctors Do Too Little Technology: A Longitudinal Field Study of an Electronic Healthcare System Implementation,”Information Systems Research, 22, 3, 2011, 523-546
- Zhang, X., Venkatesh, V., and Brown, S., “Designing Collaborative Systems to Enhance Team Performance,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 12, 8, 2011, 556-584
- Venkatesh, V., and Zhang, X., “Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology: U.S. vs. China,” Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 13, 1, 2010, 5-27
- Maruping, L.M., Zhang, X., and Venkatesh, V., “Role of Collective Ownership and Coding Standards in Coordinating Expertise in Software Project Teams,” European Journal of Information Systems, 18, 4, 2009, 355-371
- Zhang, X., and Maruping, L. M., “Household Technology Adoption in a Global Marketplace: Incorporating the Role of Espoused Cultural Values,” Information Systems Frontiers, 10, 4, 2008, 403-413
Conference Proceedings/Papers
- Zhang, Y.X., Tam, K. Y., and Zhang, X., “Citizen Participation through Microblogging: Technology Features, Empowerment Perceptions, and Voicing Behaviors,”
- JAIS-endorsed Paper Development Workshop, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Singapore, July 2015
- Pre-ICIS Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2014 - Venkatesh, V., Sykes, T.A., and Zhang, X., “Just What the Doctor Ordered’: A Revised UTAUT for EMR System Adoption and Use by Doctors,” Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA, January 2011
- Zhang, X., Venkatesh, V., and Brown, S.A., “Designing Collaborative Systems for Better Knowledge Management and Team Performance,” The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA, January 2010
- Zhang, X., Venkatesh, V., and Huang, B.Y., “Students’ Interactions and Course Performance: Impacts of Online and Offline Networks,” The International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Paris, France, December 2008
- Zhang, X., and Venkatesh, V. “Rich Use of Information and Communication Technology and Individual Performance: A Conceptual Model,” Decision Sciences International Conference, Baltimore, USA, November 2008
Service Activities Within College And Profession
Track Chair, ICIS (2022)
- Human and Artefacts Research Ethics Committee (2022 - present)
- School Appointments and Substantiation Committee (2020 - 2022)
- Associate Editor, MISQ (2018 - 2021)
- Track Chair, PACIS (2013)
- Associate Editor, ICIS (2012 - 2015)
- Reviewer for Journals and Conferences: Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Decision Sciences Journal, European Journal of Information Systems,Information Research, Information Technology and Management, Journal of Operations Management, International Journal of Operations and Product Management, Human Technology, Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems,Policy Practice and Research: An International Journal, SAGE Open, ICIS, HICSS
- Project manager, Information Systems Research Ranking Website (https://myvisionresearch.com/research-rankings/) (2007 - 2010)
- Treasurer, Information Systems Graduate Student Association (ISGSA), University of Arkansas (2007 - 2009)
Honors And Awards
- General Research Fund (GRF), 2019-2020, HKD 427,911, “Facilitating the Success of Enterprise Systems’ Implementations: The Roles of Informal and Formal Support.” Jan 2019–Jun 2021 (PI)
- General Research Fund (GRF), HKD 833,789, “Influence of Mobile Showrooming on Consumer Purchasing Behavior and Strategies to Combat Mobile Showrooming,” Jan 2015-Dec 2017 (PI)
- Hong Kong RGC Early Career Scheme (ECS), HKD 722,012, "A Multi-level Approach to Understanding Knowledge Management and Job Outcomes: The Role of KMS Design, Leadership and Social Networks," Jan 2013-Dec 2015 (PI)
- Faculty Direct Allocation Grant (DAG), HKD 100,000, 2011
- The Franklin Prize Finalist, HKUST Business School, 2012
- Dean’s Recognition of Excellent Teaching Performance, HKUST Business School, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014