Assistant Professor
Lucy L XIA
Business Statistics
Assistant Professor
Lucy L XIA

Research Interests

  • High-dimensional Statistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistical Applications to Social Science and Biology

Academic Qualification

  • Ph.D. 2015 Princeton University, Operations Research and Financial Engineering
  • B.A. 2010 University of Virginia, Mathematics

Academic And Professional Experience

  • Assistant Professor of ISOM, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2019-present
  • Stein Fellow, Department of Statistics, Stanford University, 2015-2019 

Selected Publications

Articles (corresponding author underlined)
  • Liu, Y., Xia, L. and Hu, F. (2024) “Testing Heterogeneous Treatment Effect with Quantile Regression under Covariate-Adaptive Randomization",  Journal of Econometrics, forthcoming
  • Wang, J., Xia, L., Bao, Z. and Tong, X. (2024) "Non-splitting Neyman-Pearson Classifiers", Journal of Machine Learning Research, forthcoming
  • Xia, L., Lee, C. and Li, JJ. (2024) “Statistical method scDEED for detecting dubious 2D single-cell embeddings and optimizing t-SNE and UMAP hyperparameters", Nature Communications, 15, no. 1: 1753.  Selected by editors as a featured article
  • Cheng, M., Wang, S., Xia, L. and Zhang, X. (2022) “Testing Specification of Distribution in Stochastic Frontier Analysis", Journal of Econometrics, v. 239,  (2), p. 105280.
  • Xia, L., Zhao, R., Wu, Y. and Tong, X. (2021) “Intentional Control of Type I Error over Unconscious Data Distortion: a Neyman-Pearson Approach to Text Classification", Journal of the American Statistical Association 116, no. 533 (2021): 68-81
  • Fan, J., Feng, Y. and Xia, L. (2020) "A Projection-based Conditional Dependence Measure with Applications to High-dimensional Undirected Graphical Models", Journal of Econometrics 218, no. 1 (2020): 119-139
  • Tong, X., Xia, L., Wang, J. and Feng, Y. (2020) "Neyman-Pearson Classification: Parametrics and Sample Size Requirement", Journal of Machine Learning Research, v. 21, (12), January 2020, p. 1-48
  • Fan, J., Ke, Z., Liu, H. and Xia, L. (2015) "Quadro: A Supervised Dimension Reduction Method via Rayleigh Quotient Optimization", Annals of Statistics, v. 43, (4), August 2015, p. 1498-1534

Service Activities Within College And Profession

  • Reviewer, Annals of Statistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Statistical Analysis and Data Mining


  • Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (co-PI, Jan 2022-Dec 2024)
  • The Hong Kong Laureate Forum (Young Scientist Participant, 2023)
  • Hong Kong RGC Early Career Scheme Research Grant (PI, Jan 2021-Dec 2023)
  • Dean's Recognition of Teaching Excellence, HKUST (2020-2023)
  • Finalist, Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence, HKUST 2021
  • Junior Faculty Start-up Fund and Faculty Initiation Grant, HKUST (2019)
  • Wu Prize for Excellence, Princeton University (2013)
  • APGA Award for Teaching and Scholarly Excellence, Princeton University (2013)
  • Applied Sciences Graduate Fellowship, Princeton University (2010-2015)