Research Interests
- Cybercrime economics and policy
- Information privacy
- Fintech
- IT policy
- Electronic commerce
Academic qualification
- PhD 2000 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Information Systems
- BBA (First-Class Honors) 1996 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Information Systems Management
Academic And Professional Experience
- Acting Dean, HKUST Business School, July 2024 - present.
- Head, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management, HKUST, April 2024 - June 2024.
- Senior Associate Dean, HKUST Business School, September 2021 - June 2024.
- Elman Family Professor of Business, HKUST, July 2019 - present.
- Acting Head, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics, and Operations Management, August 2023 - March 2024.
- Chair Professor, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics, and Operations Management, HKUST, July 2017 - present.
- Director, Center for Business and Social Analytics, HKUST Business School, May 2020 - June 2024.
- Academic Director, Kellogg-HKUST EMBA Program, HKUST Business School, January 2022 - December 2025.
- Academic Director, HKUST EMBA Program, HKUST Business School, October 2021 - December 2023.
- Deputy Head, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics, and Operations Management, HKUST, August 2017 - July 2023.
- Academic Director, MSc Program in Financial Technology, HKUST, September 2020 - August 2022.
- Faculty Associate, Institute of Emerging Market Studies, 2013 – present.
- Associate Dean (Research), HKUST Business School, March 2019 - August 2021.
- Director, Risk Management and Business Intelligence Program, HKUST, September 2019 - August 2021.
- Co-Director, MSc Program in Financial Technology, HKUST, September 2018 - August 2020.
- Co-Director, Dual Degree Program in Technology and Management, HKUST, January 2017 - August 2021.
- Professor, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics, and Operations Management, HKUST, July 2013 - June 2017.
- Associate Dean (UG Admissions), School of Business and Management, HKUST, September 2013 - August 2015.
- Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics, and Operations Management, HKUST, September 2008 - June 2013.
- Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong, 2006 - 2008.
- Assistant - Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems, National University of Singapore, 2000 - 2008.
Selected Publications
- Pethig, F., Hoehle, H., Hui, K.L., and Lan, A., “Behavior Toward Newcomers and Contributions to Online Communities,” MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
- Cai, Y., Lim, H., Huang, A.H., and Hui, K.L., “After the Dust Settled: Online Participation and Adaptation in Hong Kong,” Journal of Contemporary China, forthcoming.
- Hui, W., Hui, K.L., and Yue, W.T., “Cyber Insurance and Post-Breach Services: A Normative Analysis,” Service Science, forthcoming.
- Wang, J., Li, G., and Hui, K.L., “Monetary Incentives and Knowledge Spillover: Evidence from a Natural Experiment,” Management Science, vol. 68, no. 5, May 2022, 3549-3572. Online Appendix.
- Cao, Z., Chu, J., Hui, K.L., and Xu, H., “The Relationship Between Online Referral Marketing and Price Promotion: Evidence from a Large E-Commerce Platform,” Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 38, no. 3, Dec 2021, 855-888.
- Hui, K.L., Ke, P.F., Yao, Y., and Yue, W.T., “Liability-Based Contracts in Information Security Outsourcing,” Information Systems Research, vol. 30, no. 2, June 2019, 411-429. Online Appendix.
- Yue, W.T., Wang, Q.H., and Hui, K.L., “See No Evil, Hear No Evil? Dissecting the Impact of Online Hacker Forums,” MIS Quarterly, vol. 43, no. 1, March 2019, 73-95. Online Appendix.
- Cao, Z., Hui, K.L., and Xu, H., “When Discount Hurts Sales: The Case of Daily Deal Markets,” Information Systems Research, vol. 29, no. 3, September 2018, 567-591. Online Supplement.
- Cao, Z., Hui, K.L., and Xu, H., “An Economic Analysis of Peer Disclosure in Online Social Communities,” Information Systems Research, vol. 29, no. 3, September 2018, 546-566. Online Supplement.
- Hui, K.L., Kim, S.H., and Wang, Q.H., “Cybercrime Deterrence and International Legislation: Evidence from Distributed Denial of Service Attacks,” MIS Quarterly, vol. 41, no. 2, June 2017, 497-523.
- Wang, Q.H. and Hui, K.L., “Technology Mergers and Acquisitions in the Presence of an Installed Base: A Strategic Analysis,” Information Systems Research, vol. 28, no. 1, March 2017, 46-63. Online Supplement.
- Goh, K.Y., Hui, K.L., and Png, I.P.L., “Privacy and Marketing Externalities: Evidence from Do Not Call,” Management Science, vol. 61, no. 12, December 2015, 2982-3000. Online Supplement.
- Hui, K.L. and Png, I.P.L., “Migration of Service to the Internet: Evidence from a Federal Natural Experiment,” Information Systems Research, vol. 26, no. 3, September 2015, 606-618. Online Supplement.
- Kuan, K.K.Y., Hui, K.L., Prasarnphanich, P., and Lai, J.H.Y., “What Makes a Review Voted? An Empirical Investigation of Review Voting in Online Review Systems,” Journal of the AIS, vol. 16, no. 1, January 2015, 48-71.
- Hui, K.L., Hui, W., and Yue, W.T., “Information Security Outsourcing with System Interdependency and Mandatory Security Requirement,” Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 29, no. 3, December 2012, 117-155.
- Goh, K.Y., Hui, K.L., and Png, I.P.L., “Newspaper Reports and Consumer Choice: Evidence from the Do Not Call Registry,” Management Science, vol. 57, no. 9, September 2011, 1640-1654. Online Supplement.
- Lai, Y.L., Kuan, K.K.Y., Hui, K.L., and Liu, N., “The Effects of Moving Animation on Recall, Hedonic and Utilitarian Perceptions, and Attitude,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 56, no. 3, August 2009, 468-477.
- Hann, I.H., Hui, K.L., Lee, T.S.Y., and Png, I.P.L., “Consumer Privacy and Marketing Avoidance: A Static Model,” Management Science, vol. 54, no. 6, June 2008, 1094-1103. Online Supplement.
- Hann, I.H., Hui, K.L., Lee, T.S.Y., and Png, I.P.L., “Overcoming Online Information Privacy Concerns: An Information Processing Theory Approach,” Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 42, no. 2, Fall 2007, 13-42.
- Hui, K.L., Teo, H.H., and Lee, T.S.Y., “The Value of Privacy Assurance: An Exploratory Field Experiment,” MIS Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 1, March 2007, 19-33.
- Hui, K.L. “Product Variety under Brand Influence: An Empirical Investigation of Personal Computer Demand,” Management Science, vol. 50, no. 5, May 2004, 686-700.
- Hui, K.L. and Tam, K.Y., “Software Functionality: A Game Theoretic Analysis,” Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 19, no. 1, summer 2002, 151-184.
- Hui, K.L. and Png, I.P.L., “On the Supply of Creative Work: Evidence from the Movies,” American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, vol. 92, no. 2, May 2002, 217-220.
- Tam, K.Y. and Hui, K.L., “A Choice Model for the Selection of Computer Vendors and its Empirical Estimation,” Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 17, no. 4, 2001, 97-124.
- Tam, K.Y. and Hui, K.L., “Price Elasticity and the Growth of Computer Spending,” IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 46, no. 2, 1999, 190-200.
Other Publications
Hui, K.L. and Zhou, J., “The Economics of Hacking,” Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Business and Management, December 17, 2020.
Hui, K.L. “Book Review: Federal Trade Commission Privacy Law and Policy,” Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 55, no. 2, 2017, 660-662..
Hui, K.L., Vance, A., and Zhdanov, D., “Securing Digital Assets,” in MIS Quarterly Research Curations, Ashley Bush, ed.,, May 27, 2016.
Spiekermann, S., Acquisti, A., Bohme, R., and Hui, K.L., “The Challenges of Personal Data Market and Privacy,” Electronic Market, vol. 25, no. 2, 2015, 161-167.
Ke, P.F., Hui, K.L., and Tue, W.T., “Information Security as a Credence Good,” in Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7862, 2013.
Hui, K.L., Lai, Y.L., and Yee, S.J., “Empirical Advances for the Study of Weblogs: Relevance and Testing of Random Effects Models,” in Economics, Information Systems, and Electronic Commerce: Empirical Research, Chapter 9, eds. Robert J. Kauffman and Paul P. Tallon, M.E. Sharpe, NY, 2007.
Hui, K.L. and Png, I.P.L., “The Economics of Privacy,” in Economics and Information Systems, Handbooks in Information Systems, vol. 1, Chapter 9, ed. Terrence Hendershott, Elsevier, 2006.
- “假期內地客量回升 旅業有何啟迪?” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), April 13, 2024.
- “月月煙火引熱議 強化景點振旅遊,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), March 7, 2024.
- “有效打擊網絡詐騙 防止信任危機,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), February 22, 2024.
- “入境遊添朝氣 拓新景點刻不容緩,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), February 1, 2024.
- “Should we let AI take over mundane work? Not so fast,” South China Morning Post, January 18, 2024 (with Jiali Zhou).
- “登記制辨電話行騙 白名單除信息滋擾,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), January 12, 2024.
- “入境出境此消彼長 須及早應對,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), December 28, 2023.
- “夜繽紛內地宣傳弱 景點地標更吸客,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), November 23, 2023.
- “大數據分析自殺動因 防情緒外溢傳染,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), November 9, 2023.
- “前膽性「旅遊指數」助業界恢復活力,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), August 24, 2023.
- “應用AI效率高 須關注人類能力弱化,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), May 4, 2023 (with Jiali Zhou).
- “推薦營銷與價格促銷 不宜同時用,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), April 17, 2023 (with Hong Xu).
- “Surge of online scams in Hong Kong calls for practical prevention. Raising public awareness is not enough", South China Morning Post, March 16, 2023.
- “增行騙成本 嚴打網絡騙案,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), March 16, 2023.
- “去中心化世界 監管「最後一里路」,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), December 29, 2022.
- “以新思維監管 防元宇宙詐騙,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), September 15, 2022.
- “辨識LUNA崩盤成因 讓區塊鏈健康成長,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), July 28, 2022.
- “銀行查找網安漏洞 提高公眾風險意識,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), April 28, 2022.
- “第三方風險 銀行網安真正弱點,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), April 21, 2022.
- “銀行網絡風險 渠道因素居首,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), March 31, 2022.
- “疫下3觀察 看港科技應用短板,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), March 17, 2022.
- “推廣電子支付 需要先了解市民消費習慣,” 香港家書, RTHK, January 22, 2022.
- “元宇宙底層設計 區塊鏈不二之選,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), November 18, 2021.
- “元宇宙橫空而出 誰人管治費思量,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), November 11, 2021.
- “網絡安全立法 須平衡個人自由,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), October 21, 2021.
- “杜絕網戀騙案 須教育「無知網民」,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), September 16, 2021.
- “清晰界定「起底」 刑事立法關鍵,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), July 29, 2021.
- “監管虛擬貨幣 或損區塊鏈應用,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), June 10, 2021.
- “速建土地業權信息系統 勿再延宕,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), April 1, 2021.
- “Why hasn’t Hong Kong updated its antiquated property title system yet?” South China Morning Post, March 27, 2021 (with Ivan Png).
- “鏡頭無處不在 個人私隱沒私隱,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), March 18, 2021.
- “科網巨擘商業決定 惹個人私隱憂慮,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), January 28, 2021.
- “比特幣波動無關挖礦 監管助健康發展,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), January 21, 2021.
- “保護私隱認知不足 難杜絕「起底」,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), December 31, 2020.
- “參與虛擬幣交易 宜先了解技術設計特性,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), December 10, 2020.
- “供求變化驅動 比特幣暴升暴跌,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), December 3, 2020.
- “疫下8號風球 是否仍需在家工作?” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), Sep 3, 2020.
- “社會價值個人權利 疫下矛盾更顯化,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), July 30, 2020.
- “疫境損失怎分配?嬴方通吃不實際,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), May 28, 2020.
- “As the coronavirus pandemic decimates economies worldwide, we all need to make sacrifices,” South China Morning Post, May 21, 2020.
- “疫境停課退款?教育目的須反思,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), May 21, 2020.
- “How can Singapore reduce its reliance on foreign labour?” Straits Times, May 8, 2020 (with Ivan Png).
- “Hong Kong must address the deeper digital inequalities exposed by the coronavirus pandemic,” South China Morning Post, March 27, 2020.
- “排隊搶口罩啟示 數碼鴻溝須正視,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), March 26, 2020.
- “網絡違法行為 歪風不可長,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), February 24, 2020.
- “開放API助發掘新商機,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), January 20, 2020.
- “網上個人資料準確性相當重要,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), December 9, 2019.
- “討論區偏激議論宜泄不宜禁,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), September 30, 2019.
- “網絡設使用權限防內鬼,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), August 26, 2019.
- “華為陷雙邊市場效應困局,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), June 3, 2019.
- “尊重彈性修例 對付電腦犯罪,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), April 29, 2019.
- “No question Hong Kong needs stronger extradition law: but it must address trust deficit on implementation,” South China Morning Post, April 22, 2019.
- “妥善管理網絡密碼自保安全,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), April 8, 2019.
- “Get over mental block for this technology,” The Standard, February 27, 2019.
- “網絡保安「雙重道德風險」陷阱,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), February 25, 2019.
- “挖礦疑騙案暴露群體投機風險,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), January 21, 2019.
- “虛擬貨幣價值難估算 或猶如賭博,” 香港家書, RTHK, January 12, 2019.
- “資訊安全單靠企業孤掌難鳴,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), November 12, 2018.
- “「第三方」風險予黑客可乘之機,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), November 5, 2018.
- “Two steps to cybersecurity after the Cathay Pacific debacle,” South China Morning Post, October 30, 2018.
- “電競運動經濟價值與日俱增,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), October 29, 2018.
- “Game on for sea change in esports scorn,” The Standard, September 26, 2018.
- “反思與修正「百搭控罪」紕漏,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), September 3, 2018.
- “區塊鏈趨向回歸基本功能應用,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), July 24, 2018.
- “Ways to make peer-sharing on social media safer,” Straits Times, June 26, 2018.
- “警惕「友朋間信息披露」風險,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), June 5, 2018.
- “商學攜手擷取科研機遇分工之路,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), April 11, 2018.
- “電子支付工具獲發展機遇啟示,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), April 3, 2018.
- “監管ICO要「戒急用忍」,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), February 20, 2018.
- “Regulation is welcome, but don’t block blockchain entirely,” South China Morning Post, February 12, 2018.
- “比特幣驚人波動性與前景,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), January 3, 2018.
- “引入新思維發揮共享汽車好處,” 香港家書, RTHK, December 2, 2017.
- “電子教育撈取漏網可造之才,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), October 10, 2017.
- “ICO應監管毋須因噎廢食,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), October 3, 2017.
- “透視ICO火熱與投資風險,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), September 12, 2017.
- “以太坊造就智能合約登場,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), August 15, 2017.
- “認識區塊鏈可知比特幣真面目,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), August 1, 2017.
- “發特定新牌破Uber經營困局,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), July 11, 2017.
- “網絡風險管理「迫埋身」,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), July 4, 2017.
- “規管促銷來電 設電銷商登記冊,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), June 13, 2017.
- “WannaCry Ransomware attack shows the wisdom of having an offline Plan B,” South China Morning Post, May 18, 2017.
- “家屬意願左右器官捐贈結果,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), May 9, 2017.
- “香港須加強網絡犯罪攻擊防線,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), April 25, 2017.
- “Time for Hong Kong to stop the nuisance calls, to protect the public and the industry,” South China Morning Post, April 14, 2016.
- “Marketers stand to benefit from curbs on cold calls,” South China Morning Post, August 11, 2014.
- “Broaden Hong Kong Education for more well-rounded students,” South China Morning Post, December 13, 2013.
- “Privacy best served by clear rules on reuse of public data,” South China Morning Post, August 21, 2013.
- “Virtual ID,” Hong Kong Economic Times (經濟日報), May 4, 2013.
- “University Banding System Failing Students,” South China Morning Post, October 10, 2012.
- “Separate Bills for Teachers’ Texts Not the Answer,” South China Morning Post, April 14, 2011.
- “建「來電者名單」監管直接促銷,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), December 14, 2010.
- “Do Not Call,” Straits Times, September 19, 2005 (with Ivan Png).
- “Value of Privacy,” Hong Kong Economic Journal (信報), August 2003 (with Ivan Png).
Service Activities Within College And Profession
Editorial Board Member:
- Production and Operations Management (POMS)
- Senior Editor (Disruptive Technologies and Operations Management), December 2023-present.
- Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS)
- Editorial Board Member, July 2017-present.
- Advisory Editor, Special Issue on Generative AI and its Transformative Value for Digital Platforms, 2023-2024.
- Business and Information Systems Engineering (BISE).
- Department Editor (Economics of Information Systems), Feb 2017 – present.
- Information & Media (IM)
- Advisory Board Member, 2022-present.
- Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (ECRA).
- Advisory Board Member, 2017-present.
- Co-Editor, Sep 2011-Jan 2014.
- Associate Editor, 2009-Aug 2011.
- Information Systems Research (ISR).
- Senior Editor, Jan 2015 – Dec 2022.
- Associate Editor, Jan 2011 – Dec 2014.
Ad Hoc Consulting/Advisory
- UC.NOW, 2017-present
- Insurance Authority, 2020-present
- New iMedia, 2020-2021
-, 2017-2019
- Communications Association of Hong Kong, 2015
- Intellectual Property Department, Hong Kong SAR Government, 2012-2013
- WKK Distributions Ltd., 2010-2011
- World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 2006-2007
- Ministry of Law, Singapore, 2002-2003
- Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence, 2010, 2013 and 2022 (MBA non-required courses/MSc teaching), nominee, 2017 and 2020.
- Distinguished Member of the Association of Information Systems, Cum Laude, since 2021.
- Dean’s Faculty Service Award, HKUST Business School, 2017.
- Best AE award, ISR 2013.
- Best Research-in-Progress paper runner-up, International Conference on Information Systems, 2013.
- Best Research Contribution Award, SMU Summer Institute on Analytics for Business, Consumer and Social Insights (BCSI), 2013.
- Best mini-track paper, HICSS 2007.
- Best Paper Runner-up, International Conference on Information Systems, 2002.
- Ernst and Young ICIS Doctoral Consortium, December 1999.