Associate Professor
Operations Management
Associate Professor

Research Interests

  • Total quality management
  • Supply chain management
  • Production and operations management

Academic Qualification

  • PhD 1990 Stanford University, Industrial Engineering
  • M.S. 1989 Stanford University, Industrial Engineering
  • B.S. 1986 University of Wisconsin-Madison, Mathematics

Academic And Professional Experience

  • Associate Professor of ISOM, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 1999 - present
  • Director, Center for Marketing and Supply Chain Management, 2012 2013
  • Assistant Professor of ISMT, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), 1993-1999
  • Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, July - December 1996
  • Teaching Assistant, Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Stanford University, 1987 - 1990
  • Management Consultant, Teknekron Corporation, California, 1990-1992
  • Material Planning Analyst, Sun Microsystem, California, 1990

Selected Publications

  • Cheung, K. L., “Supply chain management in a disruptive environment,” The European Business Review, Sep-Oct, 2022, 1-5.
  •  Yi, Z., Cao, Z., and Cheung, K. L., “Managing digital piracy under consumer valuation uncertainty: the roles of product demonstrations and antipiracy measures,", Information and Management, 59, 2022, 10360, 1-13.
  • Yi, Z., Yu, M., and Cheung, K. L., “Impacts of counterfeiting on a global supply chain," Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Vol. 24, 2022, 159-178.
  • Cheung, K. L., Song, J-S. and Zhang, Y.,  “Cost reduction through operations reversal,” European Journal of Operational Research, 259. 2017, 100-112.
  • Zhang, S. H., and Cheung, K. L., “The impact of information sharing and advance order information on a supply chain with balanced ordering”, Production and Operations Management, 20, 2, 2011, 253-267
  • Li, Q., Wu, X., and Cheung, K. L., “Optimal policies for inventory systems with separate delivery-request and order-quantity decisions”, Operations Research, 57, 3, 2009, 626-636
  • Zhang, S. H., and Cheung, K. L., “Replenishment sequencing in a supply chain with balanced ordering”, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 10, 2, 2008, 198-203.
  • Cheung, K. L., and Zhang, S. H., “Balanced and synchronized ordering in supply chains”, IIE Transactions, 40, 1, 2008, 1-11
  • Yuan, X.-M., and Cheung, K. L., “Optimal inventory policy for systems with demand cancellations”, IIE Transactions, 35, 8, 2003, 739-747
  • Cheung, K. L., and Yaun, X.-M.. “An infinite horizon inventory model with periodic order commitment”, European Journal of Operational Research, 146, 1, 2003, 52-66
  • Cheung, K. L., "The effects of component commonality in an infinite horizon inventory model", Production Planning and Control, 13, 2002, 326-333
  • Cheung, K. L., and Lee, H. L., “The inventory benefit of shipment coordination and stock rebalancing in a supply chain”, Management Science, 48, 2, 2002, 300-306
  • Cheung, K. L., "A risk-return framework for inventory management", Supply Chain Management Review, 6, 2002, 50-55.
  • Cheung, K. L., and Leung, K. F., "Coordinating replenishments in a supply chain with quality control considerations", Production Planning and Control, 11, 2000, 697-705
  • Cheung, K. L., and Hausman, W. H., “An exact performance evaluation for the supplier in a two-echelon inventory system”, Operations Research, 48, 4, 2000, 646-653
  • Cheung, K. L., and Zhang A. X., "The impact of inventory information distortion due to customer order cancellations", Naval Research Logistics, 46, 1999, 213-231
  • Cheung, K. L., “A continuous review inventory model with a time discount”, IIE Transactions, 30, 8, 1998, 747-757
  • Yuan, X.-M., and Cheung, K. L., “Modeling returns of merchandise in an inventory system”, OR Spektrum, 20, 3, 1998, 147-154
  • Cheung, K. L., "On the benefits of coordinated replenishments via supplier consolidation",  Global Supply Chain and Technology Management, POMS Services in Technology and Operations Management, Vol. 1, 1998
  • Liu, L., and Cheung, K. L., "Service constrained inventory methods with random lifetimes and lead times", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48, 1997, 1022-1028
  • Cheung, K. L., and Hausman, W.H, "Joint determination of preventive maintenance and safety stocks in an unreliable production environment", Naval Research Logistics, 44, 1997, 257-272
  • Cheung, K. L., "On the (S-1, S) inventory model under compound poisson demands with i.i.d. unit resupply times", Naval Research Logistics, 43, 1996, 563-572
  • Cheung, K. L., and Hausman, W. H. “Multiple failures in a multi-item spares inventory model”, IIE Transactions, 27, 2, 1995, 171-180

Consultations And Executive Education

  • A feasibility study of supply chain management for Hong Kong industry - H.K.A.N.A.
  • Finished goods inventory optimization model, Sun Microsystems, U.S.A.
  • Corporate personnel database network, Panasonic Laboratories, U.S.A.
  • Turnaround and daily maintenance planning - BP Oil Company, U.S.A.
  • Mobile maintenance scheduling system - Dofasco Steel, Canada
  • Shop floor maintenance scheduling system - Algoma Steel, Canada

Service Activities Within College And Profession

  • Organizing Committee Member, Supply Chain Management Conference, HKUST, June 23, 1995
  • External Assessor, Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC)
  • Editorial Board Member, IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics
  • Reviewer, Management Science; Operations Research; IIE Transactions

Professional Association Memberships

  • The Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences


  • The Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence, HKUST Business School, Winter 2001/Spring 2002
  • The Best Ten Lecturers Award, HKUST, 1994
  • Nomination for the Michael G. Gale Medal for Distinguished Teaching, HKUST, 1994