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Business Statistics

Normal Approximation for U-Statistics with Cross-Sectional Dependence

16 Feb 2023 (Thu)
10:30 am - 11:45 am
LSK 4047, ISOM Conference Room
Mr. Weiguang LIU, University of Cambridge
Business Statistics

Asymptotic Distribution-Free Independence Test for High Dimension Data

14 Feb 2023 (Tue)
09:00am – 10:00am
Online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 987 0535 0916; Passcode: 753556)
Dr. Zhanrui CAI, Iowa State University
Business Statistics

Distributed Statistical Learning via Refitting Bootstrap Samples

13 Feb 2023 (Mon)
2:15 pm - 3:30 pm
LSK 4047, ISOM Conference Room
Mr. Ziwei ZHU, Princeton University
Business Statistics

Statistical Inference for Rough Volatility

09 Feb 2023 (Thu)
10:30 am - 11:45 am
LSK 5047, FINA Conference Room
Mr. Carsten CHONG, Columbia University
Business Statistics

The Statistical Limit of Arbitrage

02 Feb 2023 (Thu)
10:30am – 11:45am
LSK 4047, ISOM Conference Room
Mr. Rui DA, University of Chicago
Information Systems

Jump Starting the AI Engine: The Complementary Role of Data and Management Practices

10 Jan 2023 (Tue)
09:00am – 10:30am
Zoom ID: 967 7602 3919 (Passcode:733095) View Map
Dr. Frank Li, Standford Digital Economy Lab
Operations Management

Closed-Form Solutions for Distributionally Robust Inventory Models

When only the moments of the underline distribution are known, many max-min optimization models can be interpreted as zero-sum games, in which the firm chooses actions to maximize her expected profit while Nature chooses a distribution subject to the moment conditions to minimize the firm’s expected profit. For single-period models, we reformulate the zero-sum game as a robust moral hazard, in which Nature chooses both the distribution and actions to minimize the firm’s expected profit subject to incentive compatibility (IC) constraints. Under quasi-concavity, these IC constraints are replaced by the firm’s first-order conditions, which give rise to additional moment constraints and an extended reformulation of the dual problem in a higher dimensional space, facilitating the search for the closed-form solution. In the equilibrium, the additional moment constraints are binding but have zero Lagrangian multipliers. This property enables us to derive closed-form solutions for several distributionally robust inventory models that the extant literature is unable to solve. For multi-period models, we apply subgame perfect conditions to eliminate Nature’s dominated strategies so that we can conveniently compute the firm’s time-average cost under Adverse Nature’s undominated strategy. We then solve the robustly optimal base-stock level with positive lead time and lost sales (or backorder). The theme of this ambitious research program is to combine both zero-sum games and semi-infinite programming tools.
16 Dec 2022 (Fri)
10:30am – 11:45am
Zoom ID: 978 2332 0242 (passcode 370129)
Dr Erick Li, The University of Sydney Business School
Operations Management

Adaptivity and Confounding in Nonstationary Bandit Experiments

We explore a new model of bandit experiments where a potentially nonstationary sequence of contexts influences arms' performance. Context-unaware algorithms risk confounding while those that perform correct inference face information delays. Our main insight is that an algorithm we call deconfounted Thompson sampling strikes a delicate balance between adaptivity and robustness. Its adaptivity leads to optimal efficiency properties in easy stationary instances, but it displays surprising resilience in hard nonstationary ones which cause other adaptive algorithms to fail.
09 Dec 2022 (Fri)
10:30am – 11:45am
Zoom ID: 978 2332 0242 (passcode 370129)
Prof Daniel Russo, Columbia Business School
Operations Management

Assortment Optimization Under the Multivariate MNL Model

We study an assortment optimization problem under a multi-purchase choice model in which customers choose a bundle of up to one product from each of two product categories. Different bundles have different utilities and the bundle price is the summation of the prices of products in it. For the uncapacitated setting where any set of products can be offered, we prove that this problem is strongly NP-hard. We show that an adjusted-revenue-ordered assortment provides a 1/2-approximation. Furthermore, we develop an approximation framework based on a linear programming relaxation of the problem and obtain a 0.74-approximation algorithm. This approximation ratio almost matches the integrality gap of the linear program, which is proven to be at most 0.75. For the capacitated setting, we prove that there does not exist a constant-factor approximation algorithm assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis. The same hardness result holds for settings with general bundle prices or more than two categories. Finally, we conduct numerical experiments on randomly generated problem instances. The average approximation ratios of our algorithms are over 99%.
03 Dec 2022 (Sat)
11:30am – 12:15pm
Room G012, LSK Business Building
Dr Menglong Li, City University of Hong Kong
Operations Management

When Platform Competes with Third-Party Sellers in Its Own Networked Market: A Revenue Management Perspective

We consider a platform marketplace with both third-party and platform-owned sellers. The platform charges commissions to third-party sellers and buyers for their transactions in the marketplace. Meanwhile, it also directly determines the transaction prices for platform-owned sellers in their sales to buyers. Sellers and buyers are divided into different types with their compatibility captured by a bipartite network. Different types of sellers and buyers are heterogeneous in their cost and utility functions. Given the platform's choices of prices and commissions, third-party sellers/buyers maximize their own payoffs from supplying/demanding products, and market-clearing conditions are satisfied in the networked market. Facing the complexity with non-convex equilibrium constraints in the network, we develop a method of determining the platform's price-commission vector for profit maximization purposes. Based on the characterization of the platform's profit-optimal equilibrium, we investigate three other aspects of the revenue management problem. First, under fairness consideration between the platform and its market participants, we develop an efficient approximation algorithm to obtain a price-commission vector such that an allocation of surplus with a fairness level between the platform and its market participants is guaranteed in the equilibrium trades. Next, we shed light on how the platform should determine the optimal mixture of third-party sellers and platform-owned ones in the networked market. Lastly, we establish how the platform's profit-optimal price-commission decision depends on the network structure and demonstrate the impact of network structure on the platform's optimal profit.
03 Dec 2022 (Sat)
10:15am - 11:00am
Room G012, LSK Business Building
Dr Hongfan (Kevin) Chen, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School